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She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta Page 4

  “Look, we got into a little argument and shit happened,” he whispered, looking me in the eyes. He was so much more handsome now that he wasn’t doped up or acting like a damn fool. However, his actions in the past took away from his looks for me, and I honestly didn’t see how I’d ever want him again. It was so true that a person’s personality could make them ugly.

  “Wow,” I replied, lost for words. It was never ending with this man. I grabbed his hand in mine. “Qamar, look, I want you to know that I care a lot about you, and thirty percent of the time we spent together was nice, especially the sex. But right now, or ever actually, I can’t be with you.”

  “Fuck you mean you can’t be with me? I know the distance and shit is hard, but I’ll be out of here in two weeks. You can’t wait two fucking weeks?” He snatched his hand from me, wearing a deeply embedded scowl.

  “Qamar, it has nothing to do with us being apart for the last few weeks. It has more to do with the fact that because of all you’ve done and my growth, my feelings for you have changed. I still think you’re handsome, funny, and great in bed, but you’re just not what I’m looking for right now.”

  “Fuck are you looking for? A muthafucka twice our damn age?”

  “No, not necessarily, but I’m looking for a man, Qamar. Someone who can take responsibility for their actions. Someone who is sure of themselves and knows who they are. And someone who treats me with a certain amount of respect as his woman. I need someone to love me, and make me feel good in the midst of the bullshit I have to deal with sometimes.” I felt myself tearing up at the thought of never finding that.

  “I don’t make you feel good?” he inquired softly.

  “Lately, no. You stress me out, and you treat me like I don’t mean anything to you. You handle me the same way you handle these groupies out here, whenever you feel like it. You put your hands on me, which is a deal breaker for me. And then occasionally, you do nice things, but only when I get angry with you.”

  He turned away from me and looked out of the window for a moment. He then looked back at me and said, “I can be that. I can be all that shit, just wait for me until I get out…” He stopped talking when I shook my head ‘no.’

  This was his routine; be an ass until he thought I was done, and then he’d be nice. Then once I caved, he’d go back to dogging me. I was done with it.

  “I’m not waiting for you. We’re broken up, and that is it. If we’re meant to be, it will all come together, but as of right now, I don’t belong to you and vice versa. I don’t want you, and I don’t want you to want me.”


  “Qamar, stop it. Get yourself together, and work on being a better man, not just for a woman, but for yourself, okay?” I felt a tear drop down my cheek. I cared way too much about this boy for him to mistreat me the way he did. He did everyone dirty and expected people to stick around. The thought of being with him honestly made me sick to my stomach, and I was disappointed in myself for even entertaining him as long as I had. I could never see myself with him, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings by admitting that.

  “Aight. Well ain’t no sense in you sticking the fuck around for the whole hour then. You can get the fuck out. Go fuck some more old niggas like you usually do. Just like a hoe to fuck a nigga for money. Should have never stuck my dick in you, you probably gave me something.”

  Chuckling, I rose to my feet. He was so predictable that it was funny.


  “What the fuck is so damn funny?”

  “Nothing.” I started towards the door.

  “Bia, what the fuck is so funny to you? I don’t see shit funny about the shit you just told me.”

  “It’s just crazy how I gave you a whole speech about why we couldn’t be together, and you still don’t get it. Grow up and act your age, Qamar, and don’t ever think about being with me again, you little ass boy. Only bitch that will ever put up with you is a young fool who believes your antics are cute, and that will never be me. Good luck, and when you get out of here, whenever that is since you’re still a stupid, disrespectful prick, don’t contact me.”

  I left out, but I could feel him watching my back. And to think I actually had some hope that he’d get it through his head what he was doing wrong so he could be a good man for the next woman. But fuck that and fuck him. I didn’t have time for his bullshit. He wasn’t worth it at all. There were plenty of attractive men with money and good dick, too many actually, so there was no reason why I should be chasing behind that nigga. Especially when he couldn’t converse with me for two damn seconds without calling me out of my name like a kid.

  I left the rehab center and headed straight to my job because I needed to pick up this packet from Guinevere. She said I needed to read over the material this week so I could be up on game with a few things.

  Pulling into the parking structure of the building located in West Hollywood, I parked my car and then got out smiling. I was so damn close to the finish line as far as my career went, and nothing could ruin that for me; not even some ignorant nigga that I stupidly gave some pussy to.

  “Good afternoon, Bia. Here is the packet you need to go over. Don’t rush or anything, just make sure you get through the whole thing, alright?” Guinevere spoke to me as soon as I stepped into the suite I’d be working out of.

  At Guinevere Marketing, we worked with all kinds of companies and celebrities, so the money was great. I hadn’t gotten my own clients yet, because I needed to graduate before doing so, but the checks I’d gotten from working with the other employees were very nice. I could only imagine how much I would make once I got my own accounts.

  “Thanks, Guin,” I replied.

  “Oh, and Bia, meet Kito. This is who you’ll be working with for the superstore account.” Guinevere waved over an extremely handsome guy.

  He was dressed in nice, navy-blue slacks, a powder blue button up, black dress shoes, and had on a gold watch. His smile was so white, that I was one hundred percent sure he’d gotten his teeth bleached. His skin was a deep chocolate, and he wore a low-cut fade that was fresh. His facial hair was rough but clean, and it went well with his perfect features. He appeared to be half Asian, and his name even sounded so, but I wasn’t sure.

  “Nice to meet you, Bia. Guinevere says you’re pretty good at what you do, even though you haven’t graduated yet.” He grinned as we shook hands. His strong grip had me wet; yes, just his damn grip.

  “I mean, I guess I do okay.” I shrugged playfully, before the three of us chuckled.

  “Good, good. I’m excited to work alongside you then. I think we’ll do well together as long as you do whatever I tell you to.” The last part of his sentence made me feel some type of way, but maybe it was because he was sexy. He seemed professional though, so I doubt he was flirting.

  “Umm, … we will see about that.” I smiled.

  The three of us chatted for a little while longer, and then I left out to go meet up with Draylah and Kattlyn for lunch. I was starved, so I was extremely excited to get some food in my system.

  We chose to eat at this place named Ports O’ Call, which was a nice little spot in San Pedro near the water. It was so damn beautiful there, honestly, and very relaxing.

  When I walked in, I gave the hostess Draylah’s name, and he led me to the table she and Kattlyn were sitting at out on the balcony area. The sun was shining brightly in Southern California today, and the pretty blue water was calmly flowing right on the beach nearby.

  “Hey.” Draylah got up to hug me. She looked the same, but her stomach was just bigger.

  “Girl, why aren’t you gaining weight? I mean, I see it in your hips and belly, but nowhere else.”

  Draylah shrugged as Kattlyn and I hugged and laughed. The three of us sat down, just as a waiter approached to ask what I wanted to drink. After ordering a frozen cocktail and some water, I exhaled and stared out at the water. For some reason, I was just in a really good mood, and it had a lot to do with my new job a
nd my friends.

  “How did the visit go?” Kattlyn shoved some bread into her mouth, as I rubbed on Draylah’s small bulge.

  “It was … nothing less than what I expected. I gave him more information on why I was with that older guy Switch I was dating.”

  “He was kind of handsome though, I will give you that. At least you picked a fine older man to sex for money.” Draylah sipped her juice.

  “Girl, be quiet. You know Ricky probably has this place bugged.” I half joked before the three of us chortled in unison. “Switch has enough problems on his hands.”

  “If y’all had seen some of the niggas I had to fuck for cash, you’d know Switch was a blessing for you,” Kattlyn said, and we laughed.

  I never thought I’d be friends with a professional hoe … well, former professional hoe, but Kattlyn was cool, and I wasn’t really in a place to be judging someone for fucking for money.

  “How did Qamar take the breakup?” Draylah asked.

  “How only Qamar would. He called me a hoe, of course, and basically kicked me out of his little room. I wasn’t tripping, though; I’m not surprised by his antics anymore. Not to mention, I was happy he dismissed me.”

  “Yeah, Bia, I used to want things to work with y’all, but he even pisses me off with the way he talks to you. You deserve much better,” Draylah said, and I nodded with a smile.

  “And you honestly believe he did that stuff to Nadine?” Kattlyn frowned, and I nodded with my eyes closed.

  “Yeah, and I think her family knows it too, so he’d better prepare himself,” I said, just as the waitress brought the appetizer. “Enough about that, though; how is my goddaughter?” I looked to Draylah.

  I wanted to put Qamar’s ass in the past, and to do that, I needed to stop talking about him. I was no longer gonna be wrapped up in his shit, so whatever Switch had for that nigga wasn’t my problem anymore. At this point, Qamar would be lucky if I even spoke to his ass if I saw him in public.

  Chapter Two: Micah “MG” Gaines

  Done put the lil' bitch on the molly, she fucked everybody …

  “Too Hotty” by Migos blared loudly out of the club speakers, as I sat in VIP with my girl next to me. She was looking good as fuck, and because I had a bunch of Hennessy and weed in my system, I was ready to bang her little ass out.

  Tonight was my single release party, and everything in here was perfect except for the fact that two of my homies weren’t here. Ricky’s ass was locked up on some fake ass charges, and Qamar was in rehab, thankfully. Even though I wished they could celebrate this shit with me, a part of me knew that they couldn’t be in the building together anyways because Ricky wasn’t fucking with Qamar like that. He’d stated time and time again that if he saw Qamar, he was whooping his ass again, and if you knew Ricky AK, you were well aware that he never said shit he didn’t mean.

  “You doing aight?” I asked Bia, who was swaying with a drink in her hand while twerking playfully on Virginia. She nodded with a huge smile, before eating some of the fries off the platter on the table.

  I hated to admit the shit, but she seemed to be happier now that she and Qamar weren’t fucking around. That was the homie, but lately, that nigga had been a nuisance to damn near everybody. I’d told his ass, along with Ricky, time and time again, that if he wanted Bia, he’d have to shed all that stupid ass behavior that these other females put up with. Typical Qamar ain’t wanna listen though, and now the nigga don’ lost his girl. He was slightly fucked up over the shit, but I wasn’t gon’ tell her that.

  Qamar had asked me if I’d seen her around, and if she was tripping over him. I lied and said yeah. Qamar had a fragile ass personality, so it didn’t take much to send that nigga off the deep end, and I knew Bia not giving a fuck about not being with him was one of those things that could do the trick.

  “Aight, y’all ready for MG to perform for y’all a little bit?” the deejay announced. The club roared with screams and hollers, as I gently moved Kattlyn out of my lap to join the deejay at the VIP balcony.

  Taking the microphone from him, I said, “Y’all ready to turn the fuck up or what?” I smiled as the crowd went even wilder, and then I nodded for the deejay to drop the beat to my song “Temper.”

  As I rapped along, looking over the big ass club full of muthafuckas, I felt someone come next to me. I glanced to my left to see Kattlyn, and with a smirk, I stepped back some so she could dance on me. Holding the side of her body, I continued to let the lyrics flow as she moved her ass against me, making a nigga hornier than I already was. When the crowd caught on to what was happening, they got even rowdier.

  “Thank y’all! Enjoy the rest of the night and don’t forget to actually buy my shit, aight?” I half joked, making laughter wave through the club as I handed the mic back to the deejay. “You wild for that shit,” I whispered to Kattlyn as I hugged her from behind on our way back to our seats.

  “That shit was fire as fuck, bruh!” The homie, Frisk, came walking up the stairs into my VIP.

  “Thanks, my nigga.” We slapped hands just before Kattlyn and I sat back down.

  I saw Virginia and Frisk hug, and it caught me off guard because I ain’t know they knew one another.

  “Y’all know each other?” Bia asked, as Kattlyn’s horny ass kissed on my neck.

  “Yeah, just recently we met. Virginia is my new assistant now,” Frisk replied, taking a seat next to me.

  “Damn girl, that’s what I’m talking about. New job already!” Kattlyn giggled with her sexy drunk ass.

  “I try.” Virginia smiled shyly. I knew Wonder had fired her, but got damn, I didn’t expect baby girl to have a job that damn quickly. These females weren’t playing this year.

  I stayed at the club for a few more hours, and by the time Kattlyn and I decided to leave, it was going on 1:30 a.m. in the damn morning.

  “Aight, have a good night, bruh. I got some shit I want you to hear,” Butch let me know on my way out.

  “Yep,” was all I said as I passed him and Flow, who were staring hard at Kattlyn lustfully. I wanted to say some shit, but as Eric Bellinger once said, ‘if they ain’t looking, I’on want her.’

  My bodyguard, Lev, escorted us out the back where he had the car waiting, and once Kattlyn and I were secure in the back of the all-black Yukon, we got right to kissing.

  “What I tell you about wearing this shit that’s hard as fuck to get off?” I said, frowning as I tried to figure out how to get her dress open.

  “Let me help you.” She chuckled, unbuttoning the side of it, and then yanking it apart so I could see her sexy ass body.

  “Shit,” I commented, pulling her closer to me as I kissed on her neck. As usual, she didn’t have any panties on, so I released my dick from my jeans and slipped right in her.

  I always tried to play it safe with Kattlyn, but some nights, a nigga’s dick was so hard I just had to get in it. Her pussy was always dripping fucking wet, making it hard as hell to stop and reach for a damn condom.

  “Mmm, shit,” she cried out as I removed one of her breasts from her bra. I sucked on her nipple hungrily as I held her hips firmly. She moved up and down my dick in the perfect motion, hugging my shit something ridiculous.

  “This pussy should be illegal,” I grunted, feeling all over her frame as she rocked her hips on me. I was starting to think Cuban pussy was better than American pussy because I’d never had some shit like this.

  Kattlyn released on me, damn near drowning my dick, just before she began to ride me faster. Our lips crashed together, as I gripped her ass in my hands firmly. I started to hump upward, and a few moments later, I was busting inside of her unintentionally.

  “Oh my gosh,” she panted, just before we resumed kissing. “You better not ever try to break up with me,” she whispered against my lips.

  “I won’t, crazy ass.” I chuckled just before slipping my tongue in her mouth.

  My ass was pussy whipped for sure.

  By the time Lev pulled into the drivewa
y of my home, Kattlyn and I had fixed ourselves back up. I helped her out of the back seat, and said bye to Lev as we walked our drunk asses to the door.

  “Can you go for another round?” Kattlyn grinned sexily, and I shook my head as I pushed the door open for her. I had to watch her walk.

  “Ma, what you still doing up?” I asked my mother when I saw her walking from the kitchen with a mug in her hand. I’d asked her to watch Michael for me tonight, and instead of doing so at her home, she agreed to just spend the night here.

  “Boy, that foolish baby mama of yours has been calling all night asking about Michael, and keeping me up. I finally answered and told her ass to go on somewhere, and she hasn’t called back, thankfully. That was thirty minutes ago though, so we’ll see.”

  “Sorry about that, Ma. I’ll handle her ass tomorrow or some shit,” I replied, and my mom nodded.

  “Goodnight, Kattlyn.” She smiled gently at her. My mother loved Kattlyn, and it didn’t take long for the shit to happen. My mama could talk all damn day and night, and I think that she enjoyed how much of a great listener Kattlyn was.

  “Goodnight, Irene,” Kattlyn responded with a grin. The grin faded once my mother headed up the stairs, and Kattlyn turned to face me. “I thought you said you were gonna let Isla see him?”

  “I am … I was, but I changed my fucking mind. I don’t trust her ass, so I ain’t about to let her have him. She shouldn’t have fucking ran off with him.”

  “Yes, she shouldn’t have, but Micah, until you can prove that he is yours, or get something set up to where you can legally have him in your life, keeping him away from her is not smart!”

  “I understand you care and shit, but you’re doing too fucking much right now! It’s starting to sound like you give a fuck about Isla more than me!”

  “Well, I don’t! I am trying to help you and make you see things clearly, Micah! I get that you’re scared you may lose your son, but losing him legally will be much worse, I promise you.”