She Got It Bad for a Heartless Gangsta 4 Read online

Page 18

  “I’m sorry, honey. What was your name again?” I smiled as I closed the door to the room I had her in.

  “It’s okay. My name is Tana.”

  “Right, yes. I am so sorry, girl. I was having a conversation before you came in here and that made me lose my train of thought,” I explained as I washed my hands and got my stuff ready. “So we’re doing eyebrows today and lashes, right?”

  “Yes, and can you fill in my brows once you finish cleaning them up? I like the way you fill them in. I tried copying from your YouTube, but it was a mess.”

  Laughing as I put on gloves, I replied, “So you watch my YouTube?”

  “Yes, girl!”

  “Nice. Well, Tana, did you want a glass of champagne before we start? And also, I can play some soft music while I work if you’d like.”

  “Both would be great.”

  “You got it.” I smiled.

  I was done with all of my appointments about three hours later, so after closing up the shop, I went by Ricky’s grandmother’s to get my kids. Thankfully, the twins were asleep, but Lily was wide awake, which I didn’t mind. I guess because I’d missed out on so much of her life, that anytime I got to spend with her was precious.

  “Can we see Daddy record?” Lily asked as she sipped the Vanilla Bean Frappuccino from Starbucks that I’d gotten her.

  “Umm, you know what? Yeah, we can go for a little bit.”

  I was happy my baby had asked because I wanted to drop by and make sure no bitches were in that studio. Just the mere thought of some hoe flirting with or even looking Ricky’s way pissed me off. I didn’t even want them knowing what his cologne smelled like. So if there were some hoes there, I was about to show up and remind them that Ricky had a whole ass family at home.

  We made it to Ricky’s studio about fifteen minutes later, and like always, Lily helped me get the babies out and into the stroller carefully. She was so smart and so good with them that it made me proud. It also made me feel just a teeny bit bad about taking her from Antonia since she’d raised her so well, but then I’d have to remind myself of how fearful Lily was of returning to her. Plus, I was sure part of Lily’s well-behaved person and intelligence were due to genes.

  I typed in the code to the steel door of the studio and then pulled it open for Lily and myself, before pushing the stroller in. I made my way down the nicely decorated hall, admiring the red paint and Ricky’s platinum and gold plaques that hung from them. I chuckled seeing Lily’s mouth hanging open in astonishment before we got to the door that had the music blasting.

  “Hello.” I walked in, looking around, and sure enough, Kenneth and Dimitri had some hoes in the room. Both Ricky and MG were looking like deer caught in headlights upon seeing me.

  “Hey, baby.” Ricky blew out the smoke he was holding in, and ashed his blunt once Lily ran to him.

  “‘Sup, Dray.” MG nodded his head up, looking high as a kite before turning the music down.

  “What’s going on in here?” I quizzed, eyes on the groupie hoes, namely the one who was holding onto the back of Ricky’s chair. “Let go,” I told her. She rolled her eyes and stared down at Ricky like he was supposed to check me.

  “Fuck you waiting on? I don’t like bitches that wear Huggies anyway,” he snapped, and MG began choking on the smoke he’d inhaled as Kenneth, Dimitri, and the other girls giggled.

  I didn’t understand until the girl turned to walk off, and I saw her botched ass. It was definitely on some soggy diaper shit, and didn’t match her skinny thighs.

  MG ashed his blunt and began waving the smoke away, as Ricky turned on the fan and Kenneth opened some windows to ventilate the place for my kids. As soon as Ricky finished turning the fan on, he made his way over to me, but I turned away.

  “What you mad for?” He hugged me from behind, and began showering the side of my neck with kisses. His kisses in combination with the way his big hands caressed my stomach had my pussy pulsating for some reason. I was trying to be mad, but goosebumps began to form on my arms from his touch. “You know I like my women potty trained, and she not.”

  “Shut up!” I laughed unintentionally and so did he, along with everyone else but the girl. “I have to pee; watch them all.”

  “I got ‘em. You ain’t gotta tell me to watch my kids.” Ricky pushed the stroller over to the soundboard where he was originally sitting and Lily was standing.

  I left to the bathroom, and after I finished washing my hands, I came out. Before going back into the room, I saw Dakota walking up the hallway with a smile until she saw me.

  “Oh, hi, Draylah.”

  “Hi. Let me talk to you for a second.”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “I know all about the little crush you have on Ricky, and I just want to make sure you understand that it needs to stay a crush.”

  “I… yeah, I went on a little vacation and everything, so I’m good now. I get that he and I won’t ever be, and that you and him are a forever thing.” She cheesed nervously.

  “Oh, well I’m glad we can come to an understanding. Because when it comes to Frederick Montana, I get a little irrational and crazy, and I’d hate to have to do something to you. I mean, especially when he’s already my nigga.”

  “No, I know how you guys are about each other.”

  “Well good.” I grinned just before she and I went back into the studio room.

  Dakota was actually a nice girl, so I hoped she was being honest about leaving Ricky alone. I was like a selfish little two-year-old when it came to him.


  The next afternoon…

  “You are definitely pregnant, Miss George. You’re ten weeks to be exact,” my doctor explained after scooting back from between my legs. “You guys are both healthy and in good shape.” She smiled before standing up and removing her gloves.

  “I can’t believe I’ve been pregnant that long,” I whispered, but loud enough for Dr. Rigg to hear me. To be honest, I’d been having symptoms, but I just didn’t believe I was pregnant.

  “It happens, Miss George. Some women don’t even realize they’re pregnant, and have been six months along. It usually happens when we work a lot, are stressed, or are in blissful relationships. In all cases, you don’t have the time to stop and notice your body changing.”

  “I guess that makes sense.” I sat up.

  “So is this a happy occasion? You look happy yet floored.”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I want children, and I do feel like I’m financially stable enough to take care of one, but…”

  “The father? Maybe he’s not ready?” Dr. Rigg inquired.

  “No, he’s not even that type.” I smiled at the thought of Kito. “Even if he wasn’t ready, he’d get ready, you know?”

  “Those are the best ones to get pregnant by.” She laughed, and I did as well. “So then what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, I just… I’m surprised. I’ve never even had a pregnancy scare, so for me to actually be pregnant is shocking. The thought that I’m gonna be someone’s mother is crazy right now.” I palmed both sides of my face while grinning, as Dr. Rigg nodded with a laugh.

  “Well, you’d better get ready because you will be a mother very soon. I can see the light in your eyes, and I don’t know if it’s this baby or the baby’s father.” She made a face that caused me to snicker.

  “Maybe both.”

  “So how do you plan to tell him?”

  “Plan? I was just gonna come right out and say it to him. Is that not how people do these things anymore?”

  “I mean, you can, or you can make it a little more fun. That’s what I did with my first child. But the last three, I just straight up told him.”

  I snickered at her, rolling her eyes.

  “Well, maybe I will do something special then.”

  I finished up my appointment with Dr. Rigg, and then picked me up something to eat before heading back to work. The whole way there, I kept trying to think of creative ways to tel
l Kito, but then I wondered if he’d even be happy. I had no doubts about him being a father to our baby, but I didn’t want to do some big creative reveal, only for him to be bummed about the news. I would be beyond embarrassed and humiliated.

  I can’t lie, though; I was kind of excited to have a baby of my own. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but it just felt good… right. I, of course, would rather be married before getting pregnant, but that didn’t take away from the joy and slight shock that I felt.

  As soon as I got into my office, I scarfed down my food and a bottle of water, then went to use the restroom. After washing my hands, I made it back, and I saw the screen of my iPhone was lit up. Sitting down, I peered at it to see it was a notification from Instagram saying somebody wanted to send me a message. Unsure of who this person was since I didn’t recognize the username, I slid the notification over so that it could take me into the application.

  SparkleBaby: Hi, I ran across your Instagram and I saw that you had some pictures with Kito on there. I just wanted to let you know that he’s my man and I’m not sure why you have pictures with him. Get your own nigga.

  My heart began to beat rapidly as hell as I read the message a couple more times. My throat became dry as I tapped her name to take a look at her profile. She appeared to be an exotic dancer of some sort, and she was pretty. I didn’t know what to think, because recently, I’d convinced Kito to make an Instagram, and I did see a few girls in his comments, but I could tell they were just some thirsty hoes from his drug dealing days. But this one, she had the audacity to message me, so I was pissed.

  Me: I had no idea he had a girlfriend, but if you are his woman, I’d like to meet up and talk.

  SparkleBaby: We don’t need to meet, just leave him alone.

  Just as I was about to reply, I heard Kito coming out of his meeting with Guinevere and a few other people. I waited until I heard his office door close, and then I hopped up from my seat to head over. I didn’t bother to knock either; I just bust in.

  “Baby, you good?” He frowned his handsome face once he noticed the scowl I was wearing.

  “No! Who is Sparkle?” I gritted, slamming his door behind me. At this rate, I didn’t give a fuck if Guinevere knew about us. I was pregnant by this nigga, and he had been possibly lying to me.

  “I don’t know, who is she?” He stood up.

  “According to her, she’s your girlfriend and I’m just some side!”

  Exhaling heavily, he replied calmly, “Bia, I don’t know anybody named Sparkle. Where you even getting this shit from?”

  “From Instagram!”

  “Alright, firstly, you need to relax with all of the yelling. Secondly, you gon’ believe some woman that messaged you on Instagram?” He frowned as if he were disappointed in me.

  “Forget all of that. Are you fucking her or not! Just be honest! I can take it.”

  “I’m only fucking you.”

  “Liar,” I spat and started towards his door, but he grabbed me quickly and spun me to face him. His hands graced my waist, and the thought of my baby flooded my mind, forcing me to tear up.

  “Bia, I’m with you all the fucking time,” he whispered. “We work together, we go to lunch together usually, and after work, I’m either at yo’ crib or you at mine. When the fuck would I have time to cheat? Let alone have another girlfriend.”

  I shrugged because I felt like a fool as he thumbed my lone tear away.

  “I guess she just caught me off guard. And then when I see girls in your comments, it’s just…” I sighed.

  “I told you I ain’t wanna make no fucking Instagram, but you wanted to tag me in shit. And you made me give you my damn password, so I can’t do too much.” He smiled sexily before kissing my forehead. “And if you don’t believe me, ask her anything about me, and I bet you she won’t know.”

  “No, I don’t need to.” I locked my arms around his neck.

  “We been together for a while now, so if I was gon’ cheat, I would have been done that shit.”

  “You better not.” I leaned my body into his before we kissed.

  “I ain’t got a reason too. You’re beautiful as hell, inside and out. I’d have to be dumb as fuck, and I’m pretty smart, I must say.”

  I hadn’t realized how long it’d been since a man I was involved with had called me beautiful. Kito told me all the time, and I just loved hearing it from him.

  “Yeah, I guess so.” I grinned. “I have to tell you something.”

  “Okay.” He adjusted his arms, which were locked around my waist. “Tell me.” He pecked me gently.

  “I went to the doctor on my lunch break and she told me that I’m ten weeks pregnant,” I blurted. I wanted to do it creatively, but I couldn’t risk the possible embarrassment.

  “Bia,” Kito whispered, moving me back some to look down at my midsection as if I were already showing.

  “Are you—” Before I could finish, he crushed his lips against mine and hugged my body tightly into his.

  “You know how beautiful you are to me right now?” he quizzed.

  I could only smile before we resumed kissing. About an hour later it seemed, we came up for air, and reluctantly went our separate ways to finish out the workday.

  It was so funny how Kito kept checking on me throughout the rest of the day, making sure that I was okay. I did take advantage a couple of times and had him bring me snacks from the fully-stocked breakroom.

  By 9 p.m., we both decided to call it a night since we’d worked plenty of overtime. We hadn’t stayed at work this late in a while. After locking our offices and the suite, we got onto the elevator to head down.

  “I still can’t believe it.” Kito pulled me closer to him in the elevator before kissing me. “I mean, I can because we ain’t used a condom in forever, but you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I was shocked too, but I’m fine.”

  “You better be.” He smirked just as the elevator doors opened.

  We stepped off and, like always, he walked me to my car first. We shared a few more kisses, before verbally agreeing to sleep over at his house tonight. We hadn’t spent the night apart in forever, and I wasn’t complaining at all. A lot of this relationship, in particular, was new to me, and I was enjoying every minute of it.

  Just as Kito was closing my door, a male voice boomed, “Next time watch who you put ya hands on, bitch!”


  I watched the bullets rip through Kito’s chest just as the same dude who threatened me about Qamar not paying him, rushed off.

  “Kito!” I screeched so loudly that my own ears rang.

  “Oh my gosh!” another lady from across the street yelled.

  “Baby, get up,” I begged as Kito blinked slowly, blood drenching his business shirt.

  Not wanting to waste any more time, I snatched my iPhone from inside of my car and dialed 911. Thankfully, the lady across the street had called already, though, so the ambulance had gotten here quicker.

  I watched the EMT’s lift Kito onto the stretcher and place an oxygen mask on him. I didn’t give a fuck about my car, so I agreed to ride with him in the back.

  “Please don’t leave, Kito,” I whispered as I felt the hot tears trail my face. I never once thought about him dying, and now that it was possible, I felt like I was about to lose my mind.


  The next evening…

  By the grace of God Kito made it, but he was still in the hospital recovering from the immediate surgery he’d had. He was in a medically induced coma when I left to pick my car up from work so I could come home and shower since I hadn’t left his side once.

  I was still in my work clothes and covered in his blood, but I didn’t care; there was no way I was leaving my man without knowing his fate. I’d never prayed as hard as I had when he was in surgery, and even after when they told me he’d be fine.

  I couldn’t help but feel like Kito would be a little angry with me though once he woke up, because had he not met me, he
wouldn’t have gotten shot. Shit, I’d be mad as hell if his ex’s drug dealer shot me.

  It was about 7 p.m. when I finally got to the home I shared with Taya and my mother, and before getting out, I just sat there for a little bit, thinking. Once I’d gained enough composure to go shower and pack an overnight bag, I slipped out of my car. But when I saw Qamar standing there, I almost shit on myself.

  “Qamar, you need to leave,” I stated in a relaxed manner. I hadn’t seen him in months, and I’d wanted to keep it that way.

  “Bia, I’m tired of this shit. You need to come back to me and like right now.”

  “Qamar, stop it. I’m tired of telling you the same thing over and fucking over,” I let out in a frustrated manner. “Do I need to say it in another language? I am done with what we had.”

  “Why, Bia?” He threw his arms out.

  “When we were together, I wasn’t happy. Being with you just added more stress to an already stressful life. I think we only even got started because I didn’t value myself at the time, to be honest.”

  It was true. Sometimes when reminded of the shit Qamar used to do to me, I would get so pissed at myself for even entertaining him. The person that I’d matured into now wouldn’t have even given him the time of day acting the way he had then.

  “I get that, but look, I ain’t on drugs no more, and I’ve learned to not blame my actions on my illness.” He spoke as if he hadn’t been verbally abusive to me over my voicemail and texts for months.

  “Okay, and what about your son?” I folded my arms. “Are you taking care of him?”

  “I can. If that’s what you want from me, then I can do that.”

  “I don’t want a boy who needs somebody to make him better, Qamar. You shouldn’t need me to become a better person. You should want to do right by the people you love because you genuinely want to. What happens if we were to break up, huh? Would you stop caring for your son? Would you go back to cocaine? Would you start being reckless again? You cannot base being better on another person! You have to want it for yourself! That is part of being mature; an adult. And, Qamar, how happy would you be if your life was based solely on what other people wanted you to do?”